Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days | Bromo Ijen Sukamade Crater Tour Package is a combination tour package between Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater (Blue Fire Ijen) and followed by the Sukamade Beach program which is one of the visits to the beach located in Meru Betiri National Park Banyuwangi.

This trip is a long holiday with the beauty of volcanoes on the island of Java and the beach to see turtles lay their eggs directly. Sukamade beach itself is one of the turtle breeding beaches located in Banyuwangi.

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour takes 4 days and 3 nights starting with enjoying the beauty of Bromo Sunrise Tour in Penanjakan 1. (Mount Penanjakan 1 is the best view point / spot see Sunrise tour and Milky Way on Mount Bromo) Then proceed to tourist attractions around Mount Bromo using Bromo Jeep. After that we invite you to Climb Mount Ijen Banyuwangi (Ijen Crater Trekking) to see the blue fire of Ijen or Blue Fire Ijen Crater, and Sukamade Beach Banyuwangi is the last visit of this vacation package.

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days 3 Nights, To enjoy this holiday package program, you can start from Surabaya, Malang, Batu City, Ketapang port and other East Java city centers. Here are the details / Itinerary of the Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour :

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days

Day 1 : Surabaya or Malang – Mt Bromo Area

  • Pick-up starts from the city of Surabaya, Malang, Kota Batu to the area of Mount Bromo precisely in the village of Cemara Lawang with a 3-4 hours trip.
  • Until the check-in of the Bromo hotel, then take a break.

Day 2 : Bromo Sunrise Tour – Ijen Crater Area

  • At 3:00 a.m. preparation for trekking tour package trip, using Bromo Jeep | Hardtop Bromo goes to Peak Penanjakan 1 or Peak Penanjakan 2 with a duration of 45 minutes to see the sunrise (The best place to see Bromo Sunrise, Bromo Milky Way and the best place for Camping Bromo), then enjoy the charm of the beauty of Mount Bromo and its surroundings until satisfied.
  • After quite satisfied the tour tour proceed to the crater to see the activity of the active Mount Bromo Crater.
  • After that the Jeep Bromo driver escorted you to continue the Travel Tour to Savana Grassland – Teletubies Hill and then visited with a whispering tour.
  • After being satisfied to safari to the place around Mount Bromo, we will transfer you back to the inn / hotel, then pack, eat breakfast, check out the hotel, then proceed to the village of Sempol, Bondowoso district, Ijen plateau with 5-6 hours.
  • In the middle of the trip we stop at the white sand beach restaurant for a break or lunch.
  • Then our journey continues by passing the beautiful scenery with the rural atmosphere of the mountains of the Ijen plateau and the coffee plantation (Arabika / Catimor Homestay) of Dutch colonies, where we stay in the inn we provide in the factory area and coffee plantations
  • After arriving at the hotel check-in – rest / free program.

Day 3 : Ijen Crater and Blue Fire – Ijen Sunrise Tour – Sukamade Beach Banyuwangi

  • Wake up at 1:30 to go to Ijen Crater for those of you who want to see the blue fire phenomenon.
  • At 2:00 p.m. until post paltuding (start point / entrance of Ijen crater)
  • Start walking up Mount Ijen +/- as far as 3 KM along with Ijen’s guide heading to the location of the blue fire at the base of the Ijen crater
  • After being satisfied to see the blue fire phenomenon again climbed to the top of the Ijen crater from the bottom of the crater to enjoy the panoramic view of the Ijen Crater Lake from all over and see Sunrise Ijen to be satisfied.
  • After settling back to post Paltuding, then breakfast (breakfast box from the inn),
  • then proceed with the 4WD car heading to Sukamade beach (turtle bay) with 4-5 hours before arriving at the Sukamade area we pass coffee, cocoa, rubber and protected forest plantations by crossing several rivers, Until the sukamade inn chekin – Rest.
  • After dinner we start the turtle tour on foot to explore Sukamade beach to see the arrival of sea turtles from the Indian Ocean. and on the coast of Sukamade the turtle lay eggs, then after laying the turtles away.

Day 4 : Sukamade Beach Tour – Drop of to Ketapang Harbour / Surabaya

  • At 06.00 after breakfast / breakfast we pack – check out the hotel and before leaving Sukamade beach we go to the place where turtle egg breeders develop to see the process of hatching turtle eggs, here we have the opportunity to release turtles / sea turtles to the beach.
  • After that we return to the 4WD Jeep car and head to the port of Ketapang (Bali) or return to the city of Malang or the city of Surabaya and the Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Tour Package, complete.

Facility Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Tour Package :

  • Car and Tourism Standard Driver (for the type of vehicle adjusting the number of participants)
  • Rent a Bromo Jeep
  • Jeep 4 WD Sukamade Tour
  • 1 Night Stay at Hotel Bromo area
  • 1 Night Stay at Home stay (Catimour or Arabika) Ijen Plateau Area
  • 1 Night Stay at the Sukamade area’s Home Stay (garden guesthouse or beach guesthouse)
  • All tourist admission tickets and tickets for the Bromo Tengger National Park semeru
  • Guide to Ijen Crater
  • Breakfast (Breakfast)
  • Drinking water during the tour program


  • Personal costs
  • Lunch and Dinner during the Tour except at Sukamade
  • Rent a horse at Bromo
  • Madakaripura Waterfall.

Mount Bromo tour Package from Surabaya, Malang or Banyuwangi :
Bromo Midnight Tour Package 1 Night 1 Day
Mount Bromo Papuma Beach Tour 3 Days
Mount Semeru Summit Trekking, Mt Bromo tour 4 Days
Ijen Crater Tour Package, Mount Bromo Trekking 3 Days
Mount Bromo Kumbolo Lake Camping Tour 3 Days
Kumbolo Lake Camping Bromo Ijen Tour 4 Days
Mount Bromo Midnight Madakaripura Waterfall Tour
Mount Bromo Madakaripura Waterfall Tour Package 2 Days
Semeru Summit Trekking, Mt Bromo and Ijen Crater Tour 6 Days

If you think that Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Tour Package, is very suitable and comfortable with your holidays planning, you can discuss to Our partner about Bromo tour package, Ijen Tour, Semeru Summit Trekking, tour package price, hotel in Mount Bromo and tour facility contact Us here.

Mount Bromo Ijen Sukamade Beach Tour 4 Days

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